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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

   CCDB is a community resource. If you are aware of any missing data or if any of the counts are erroneous please submit it to the forms submit new counts, or report erroneous counts.

CCDBAngiospermsPoaceaeHelictotrichonHelictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal

5 chromosome counts in Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
  Avenula levis (Hack.) Holub Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal 7 14 Flora Iberica Revisin taxonmica del gnero Avenula (Dumort.) Dumort. en la Pennsula Ibrica e Islas Baleares. Romero Zarco, C.Lagascalia13(1): 39-146(1985).
!   Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal   14 IPCN online Röser, M. 1989. Karyologische, systematische und chorologische Untersuchungen an der Gattung Helictotrichon Besser ex Schultes & Schultes (Poaceae) im westlichen Mittelmeergebiet. Diss. Bot. 145: 1–250.
  Avenula levis (Hack.) Holub Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal   14 Original-count Winterfeld, G., Schneider, J., Perner, K., Röser, M. (2012). Origin of highly polyploids: different pathways of auto- and allopolyploidy in 12–18x species of Avenula (Poaceae). Int. J. Pl. Sci. 173: 1–14. doi: 10.1086/664716
  Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal   14 Original-count Winterfeld, G., Röser, M. (2007). Chromosomal localization and evolution of satellite DNAs and heterochromatin in grasses (Poaceae), especially tribe Aveneae. Pl. Syst. Evol. 264: 75–100. doi: 10.1007/s00606-006-0482-14
  Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal Helictotrichon leve (Hack.) Potztal   14 Original-count Winterfeld, G., Döring, E., Röser, M. (2009). Chromosome evolution in wild oat grasses (Aveneae) revealed by molecular phylogeny. Genome 52: 361–380. doi:10.1139/G09-029